The Film: 940 Caledonia
After a flood forced the community to evacuate the park where they lived, residents take up shelter in a self-managed and supported site at 940 Caledonia in Victoria, BC.
Tina Dawson, a middle-aged woman, homeless for the first time, steps up – determined to lead.
The government moves the unhoused campers to a parking lot, and despite a gale-force windstorm and an arctic vortex, the group survives the winter, and the experience changes Tina’s life.
While they weather storms and their own personal struggles, they take collective ownership over their circumstances and advocate for meaningful change.
– Krista Loughton – filmmaker
– Tina Dawson – film participant
– Julian Daly – CEO, Our Place Society
– Moderator: Sinan Demirel – Associate Director, The Existence Project